Mangrove Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) research initiatives aim to solve students’ most significant challenges in online learning through personalised learning, innovative science and technology. We are amongst the first private polytechnic that is working towards creating a globally recognised online learning research hub in Bangladesh by bringing together educational institutions, industry, government and not-for-profit organisations from around the world.
Our current research interest involves Artificial Intelligence (AI), e-Learning, Internet of Things (IoT), Cybersecurity, Blockchain, technology and family-school partnerships.
Solving the big challenges together is our priority, with a focus on interdisciplinary research. More information on our current research initiatives is coming soon.
In the meantime, if you need an independent and expert opinion on your Research Grant Application or Research Paper, let us help you with your research plan, strategy, methodology development, technical writing and others. Contact us today for an obligation-free chat to know you are getting the best services.
MIST is one of Bangladesh’s leading research polytechnic institutes
Current Project
The concept of e-learning is not new to the education sector. In simple terms, e-learning is the act of learning or educating via digital resources such as software programmes, mobile devices and the internet. However, the outbreak of COVID-19 has fuelled schools’ need to leverage the technology platforms to drive learning initiatives. Due to this pandemic, education has changed dramatically recently, with the phenomenal rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus has caused might be here to stay. There is heightened demand for educational institutions to provide learning solutions to students using online platforms as the advantages far outweigh the demerits.
Our institute Mangrove Institute of Science and Technology is offering e-learning since 2017. In an effort to improve the effectiveness of online learning, it has led a project titled “Ubiquitous Learning: Technology Assisted Support (UTAS)” with a team of researchers to investigate students’ emotional responses during online learning. The objective is to make the institution’s learning management system more advantageous for the students by making it emotionally responsive to them in order to improve its overall effectiveness. Therefore, an experiment was conducted with a group of students where their facial expressions were captured using video cameras, and their interaction with the LMS was recorded using screen recording software. The objectives of this study were explained to students and requested their consent to record their facial expressions before the study. The recording of the facial expressions and storing of videos adhered to ethical review committee guidelines. This collected data set we titled “EmoDetect” contains video recordings students’ facial expressions while working to meet some learning objectives using a LMS. It involves several facial action units that participants demonstrated during the recorded sessions. These action units are the combinations representing joy, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, frustration, fear and so forth, which are significant for the research community for the automatic detection of emotion in online learning using machine learning algorithms. We hope the dataset will contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of educational technology.
Request Dataset
For requesting EmoDetect complete dataset, only Lab Managers, Professors or Students using their academic email account should fill out the request form.
We have received too many requests and due to band-width limitation in sharing/downloading large files, your request will be processed with delay (about 72 hours).
Link to FORM: